Problem solving
"Where there is a will there is a way" (old English proverb)

Managers are expected to be able to deal with various problems on a daily basis. Whether they are solving a problem for a client (internal or external), supporting those who are solving problems, or discovering new problems to solve, the problems faced can be severe or minor, simple or complex.

The skills of identifying, correctly classifying a problem by putting it into its situational context are considered as being really important and can make a huge difference to anyone's management. It is important to be able to view problems from different angles, to choose the correct approach and then implement it.
There are several steps in solving a problem, one of the most used methods consists of at least five steps:

1.     Identifying the problem;
2.     Defining the problem;
3.     Exploring/generating alternatives and selecting the best one;
4.     Acting on a plan/implementing the best solution;
5.    Looking back: monitoring the outcome of the action taken/reviewing the problem and problem-solving process to avoid similar situations in future

The key to a good problem definition is ensuring that we are dealing with the real problem and not with its symptoms.

A variety of tools and methods can be used in each of the above steps mainly depending on the complexity level of the problem identified.
Some of the reasons why people fail to find effective solutions include:
  • not approaching the problem systematically
  • misinterpreting the problem
  • lack of knowledge of the techniques and processes involved in problem solving
  • inability to use the techniques effectively
  • using a method inappropriate to the particular problem
  • insufficient or inaccurate information
  • inability to combine analytical and creative thinking

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