The projects' last newsletter has been issued right after the successful conference held in Sweden.
The final meeting and conference of the project are due to be held on the 25th and 26th of September, 2018 in Järvsö, Sweden. 

The 3rd project newsletter has been published containing information and impressions of the C1 - learning activity, held in Bulgaria in April 2018. Enjoy the experience!;-)
The 2nd project newsletter has been issued. For more details click here.
The  O2 - Business models of rural entrepreneurial practices have been drawn up.
You can look them up in more detail as follows:
The LiveCanvas O1 – Research study on needs for development of key entrepreneurial skills in rural and isolated areas is now available. You can consult it here.
The LiveCanvas leaflet can be downloaded here.
The first newsletter of the project has been issued. More details can be found here.
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